Sikh Baby Names

Lіkе mоst Іndіаn nаmеs, thе Ѕіkh bаbу nаmеs stаrtіng wіth A recorded here have meanings. In Sikhism, religious names might be taken from the scripture of Guru Granth Sahib, while some could be traditional Punjabi names. English spelling of spiritual names is phonetic as they’re derived from the Gurmukhi script. Different spellings may sound the same. Spiritual names that start with A can be combined with one or more names which begin with other letters to form names.

Sikh names are interchangeable for both baby boys and girls, as well for adults of either sex. In Sikhism, all women’s names end with Kaur (princess) and all boy’s names end with Singh (lion).

We have collected modern, unique boys and girls sikh name with their meanings and origins.

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