Arabic Boy,Girl Names starting with S Page 13 of 17 Sort by: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Sort by Gender: Boy,GirlGirlBoy Your Favorite NamesNameGenderMeaningFavoritesShephaliGirl A type of flowerAddSherBoy Brave man, Lion, TigerAddSheydaGirl LovesickAddShidahGirl Bright, Luminous, The sunAddShifwatBoy Good friendAddShihabBoy Blaze, FlameAddShinasBoy Intelligence, KnowingAddShireenBoy Gentle, Pleasant, SweetAddShirinGirl SweetAddShivaGirl CharmingAddShohrahGirl FamousAddShokoufahGirl BlossomAddShokouhGirl Magnificence, SplendorAddSholahGirl FlameAddShoukaGirl A kind of deerAddShufwatBoy Best, ImmaculateAddShuhratBoy Fame, Renown, RumorAddShukrallahBoy The thanks of allah swtAddShulaGirl Bright, FlamingAddShunnarBoy PleasantAdd