Kashmiri Names Page 1 of 6 Sort by: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Sort by Gender:GirlBoy Your Favorite Names: 0NameGenderMeaningFavoritesAadityaBoy SunAddAaratiGirl Form of worshipAddAartiGirl Form of worshipAddAashishBoy BlessingsAddAbdul AzizBoy Servant of the beloved oneAddAbdul RaheemBoy Servant of the mercifulAddAbhinandaBoy To rejoiceAddAbhinavBoy An act, NovelAddAditiGirl BoundlessAddAjayBoy Diety, UnconquerableAddAllahBoy GodAddAmitBoy Infinite, Without limitAddAnjanaGirl Mother of HanumanAddArunBoy SunAddAshaGirl HopeAddAsheeshBoy BlessingAddAshishBoy BlessingAddAshokBoy Without sadnessAddAvinashBoy Eternal, Immortal, IndestructibleAddBansiBoy FluteAdd