Biblical Names Page 20 of 27 Sort by: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Sort by Gender:GirlBoy Your Favorite NamesNameGenderMeaningFavoritesNuriaGirl God's fireAddOdedBoy StrongAddOdedaGirl StrongAddOphrahGirl LightAddOprahGirl RunawayAddOraleeGirl Lord is my lightAddOrenBoy A tree, Ash TreeAddOrindaGirl Pine treesAddOrliGirl The light is mineAddOrniceBoy Cedar treeAddOrpahGirl FawnAddPhineasBoy LoudmouthAddRaananBoy Fresh, NewAddRachaelGirl Innocent lambAddRachelGirl SheepAddRadwanBoy DelightAddRaechelGirl Innocent lambAddRanitGirl SongAddRaphaelBoy God has healedAddRaziGirl SecretAdd