Boy Names Page 147 of 345 Sort by: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Sort by Gender: BoyGirlBoy Your Favorite NamesNameMeaningFavoritesIdrees A Prophet's nameAddIdris Fiery LordAddIfran IdentityAddIftikhar Distinction, Glory, Honor, ReputeAddIgnacio FieryAddIgnatios FieryAddIgnatius Firey oneAddIham ExpectedAddIhit Honour, PrizeAddIhsaan BeneficenceAddIhsan BeneficenceAddIjaz Marvel, Miracle, WonderAddIkbal Destiny, GlotyAddIke Derives from isaacAddIkshu Sugarcane, SweetnessAddIlaahi A term used for the era instituted by the akbarAddIlaiyaraja PrinceAddIlakkiyan Skilled in literatureAddIlamadhi Youthful and BrilliantAddIlamaran Youthful and BraveAdd