Delbar Name Meaning

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Delbar is a name, meaning of the name is ", " from origin. This name is mainly used in . As per Indian Hindu astrology, this name is suggested for Who born with star Ashlesha Nakshatra 3rd pada, Karkataka rasi (Cancer) and Revati Nakshatra 1st pada, Meena rasi (Pisces).

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Numerical for Name Delbar is 6

Rulling Planet: Venus
Colors: Blue
Gemstones: Emerald
Qualities: Romantic, Nurturing

Person with the name Delbar as Numerical 6 is a romantic, peace-loving, supportive, compassionate, nurturing and considerate. Delbar's life path mission is to achieve balance between giving and receiving. Sympathetic and caring, counselor, and Delbar's life path number symbolizes the principles of nurturing and harmony. Delbar is a teacher, trainer and parent. Delbar is love any job and make life more comfortable, easy and luxurious for others.

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